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Written by Luis Rodriguez who lives in Belize and works as a full stack developer building cool stuff using modern technologies. You should follow him on YouTube

Programming fundamentals

The following posts are specifically meant to help people with little to no prior programming experience learn the fundamentals of programming using the widely popular Javascript programming language 💻🔥.

  1. December 22, 2021

    Learn what variables are and how to create and use them in Javascript.

  2. December 23, 2021

    Learn what operators are and how to create and use them in Javascript.

  3. January 02, 2022

    Learn what logical operators are and how to create and use if statements to perform decisions in your code.

  4. January 12, 2022

    Learn what a switch statement is and how to use it as a viable alternative to if...else if statements to also perform decisions in your code.

  5. January 21, 2022

    Learn what loops are and how we can use them to execute any code over and over for as much as we want up until a condition has been met

  6. February 06, 2022

    Learn what functions are and how we can use them to write reusable code and eliminate redundancy.